Monday 23 July 2012

Hello Again!

Life - it brings its twists and turns, its joys and its sorrows, but in nearly every case, it can be said that where we are today is of our own making. We are responsible for the decisions we make, the food we eat, the alcohol we drink, the loves we lose, the opportunities we miss. Responsibility determines who we are and what we are as well as where we are.

Life - I decided a little while ago that I wasn't where I wanted to be. Yes, I have achieved a lot in my life and I've been responsible for a lot of success in both mine and other peoples lives, but I still wasn't where I wanted to be. I found I wasn't responsible for the time in my life, no matter what decisions I made for the time in my life, it was being 'controlled' by others. Equally, the money I was earning was subject to the same cause and effect.

Life - so I started looking around and I think most of you know what I found. The opportunity to finally take responsibility for the time in my life, the people I work with, the income I earn (uncapped!) but ultimately I, and I alone, will be responsible for where I end up. The only variables are 'work', how I work and how responsible I am for the success I want to achieve and my responsibility to those who work with me. That's it! No Boss, No Team Leader, No Manager, Just Me, plus a hell of a lot of support!!!! Ultimately, I will be responsible for the success that I achieve. The only difference to my previous 'Life' is my responsibility will earn me what I put in, not hours worked, days worked, but what I put in! and it will lead to residual earnings that I have already 'worked' for and can Will to my family so I can leave this planet knowing I have taken responsibility for not just myself, but my family.

Life - Am I up for it, let me ask you the question, "can I do it?" You may not know me, but I can assure you I would not commit to something I didn't believe in and having used the product, I can vouch for its effectiveness.

So take another look. Tell me if you think I can do this, I will value ALL of your opinions. Click the logo below and explore, watch the videos, research the products, look at the marketing plan, look at the history and the success of this extraordinary company.

If the timing is not right for you, don't delete this comment, copy it and put it in a folder called 'The Future', because one day it may just be the right time in YOUR Life! You may also consider 'forwarding' it in an email to people in your Life that you feel may like to take a look at this opportunity NOW, I would be very grateful if you did.

To your ongoing success, wherever your responsibility takes you.

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